Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nibiru and the Moon

If you view the Moon from a northern latitude  the southern side of it appears to be peppered with craters.  If you could find similar cratering on Earth it would lend some help to the Nibiru tale.
As the tale goes Nibiru is a planet orbiting what is thought to be a brown dwarf companion star to our sun.  It is supposed that it is in a 3600 year elipticle orbit around our solar system and aproaches from the south trailing debris and at some point in the distant past one of its moons collided with Earth creating the Moon and the asteroid belt forcing Earth into its present orbit.  It is a lot to swallow but if you look at the story some things stand out.  If the collision caused the asteroid belt it would have left the brown dwarf dragging a belt of debris along with it and interaction between the two stars over say a million years would have broken up most of the big items.  This would bring us to say the last 36000 years which according to the tale would have had this passing happen ten times.  If Earth was moved out of the way of an obiting little sister Sun then long ago debris from its passing bombarded all bodies in our system for all purposes on their bottoms.  Those craters are ooparts but fit a very old tale perfectly....

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